
The wallpapers of today are not the same as those your grandparents had throughout their house decades ago. Today’s wallpapers have gorgeous color and textures and can be made from a variety of materials — including natural materials like grasscloth. 

The types of wallpaper options are endless and can compliment any style home. They can be moisture, stain, and grease resistant, making them an option any every room. We can also help you select options for high humidity environments to help ensure the wallpaper doesn’t fall or curl. 

Navigating the different options and installation can be a challenge since different types of wallpaper and pastes require different preparations and installation. Steffes Studio can guide you through the options to help you select beautiful, lasting wallpaper that you’ll love (and that will look stunning) for years to come. 

If you’d like to see more of our finished projects, please click here to view our portfolio of work.

We’d love to speak with you about your specific project. Contact us today!

Steffes Studio Wallpaper Services

Wallpaper options are endless and can compliment any style home.